We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. Adding all of the best gear to the vendor could significantly impact the data we are able to get from this testing period. While some players may be fully equipped with hard mode gear from Ulduar, most will not. Developer’s Note: While we do typically provide gear options from the current raid tier when performing tests on future raids, for Trial of the Crusader we felt that it would be a more accurate a realistic test if we relied on live characters copied with their actual gear.Please note that vendors have not been updated with Ulduar loot for this testing period.

To facilitate testing, we have re-enabled character copy for players to copy their live characters, and starter level 80 characters may be created using the available Templates.To access the Raid you will need to travel to northeastern Icecrown and enter the raid dungeon via the portal at the Argent Tournament Grounds.The Trial of the Crusader and Trial of the Grand Crusader 10 and 25 player raids will be available for testing starting Friday May 5th at 11:00AM PDT and will remain available until Monday May 8th at 10:00AM PDT.Welcome to the Wrath of the Lich King Classic Patch 3.4.2 Public Test Realm!