When you have the target’s phone, check the Mac address of its WhatsApp account. This data will be transferred directly to your personal area. The Spyfer app has a recording system called « Spy Report » that captures all your target’s activities on their WhatsApp account, such as messages, calls, or notifications. Once the spyware is turned on, you don’t need to be connected 7 days a week to check what your victim is doing. To monitor a WhatsApp account, tap «social network spying». When the hacked person’s details are recorded, you will be redirected to a page that offers the type of spying you want. If the target’s device is an iPhone or an iPad, you must know the iCloud ID and password.

Then, go to your Spyfer account and record the full name of the target’s person and the brand and operating system of their phone. As a security measure, you must also disable the antivirus software to allow the full installation of the spyware. In this way, the application will be placed in the background of the phone menu and will become undetectable. To avoid arousing the target’s suspicions, choose the stealth mode when installing Spyfer software. Just check the box «I understand», «install» then «ok». To open the application, a warning poster will appear. You must then click «next» and «install». After downloading the Spyfer software, conditions of use will appear on the screen. In case the software is not from a app shop, click «unknown sources» then click »accept». Once the phone is in your hands, go to «settings» then «application». Before you take ownership of your target’s smartphone, make sure that the Android version of the device is not out of date. This way you can install the application.Īlthough Spyfer software can be used on all operating systems such as IOS or Android, it is incompatible with an Android system that is older than 4.O. In this case, you will need to get the person’s phone at some point. To complete your project of spying on someone’s WhatsApp account, you first need the phone or other devices of your target’s to have a Spyfer app.

👀 Spy now online > INSTALL SPYFER APP TO START SPYING ON WHATSAPP All you have to do is download it and install it on your device. Once you have activated your account, you can search for the application on the site itself or on other app shops, and even on the google store. In addition to a welcome and confirmation message, you will also find in your email a link directly to your personal area on the Spyfer site. Once you have completed the registration form, you will receive a validation email as soon as possible. To do this, go to the site and search for the «registration». In fact, it is from your Spyfer account that you will have access to your target’s personal data and see everything that happens on their WhatsApp page.

Before spying on a WhatsApp account, it is important to register on the Spyfer official website.